Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Literary Excellence

What is Literary Excellence? I've searched the web and all that came up was awards. So I'm guessing it's a good thing. Well here is my interpertation of it just from what I've seen on the web. Literary means pertaining to or of the nature of books and writings, pertaining to authorship,engaged in or having the profession of literature or writing, characterized by an excessive or affected display of learning; stilted; pedantic, or preferring books to actual experience; bookish. We all know what excellence means, well if you don't it means the quality of excelling; possessing good qualities in high degree, an outstanding feature; something in which something or someone excels. Put the whole thing together and to me it means exceeding high qualities of writting, reading or anything having to do with literature. There is this guy in my Eng 330-60 class that reads 10 books (with ALOT of pages, no pictures) a week, during school semesters and 20 books on "VACATION!" Does he deserve the Literary Excellence Award? LOL..........

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